“Breathing Space” – 10 Tips to Keep Your Desk More Organised and Productive!


You might have heard about “De-cluttering method” from the famous book writer Marie Kondo. Her home decluttering method can also be used in the office to help creating  a “breathing better” space at the work place and boost the productivity. According to her, anything does not spark the joy and does not serve the purpose any more should be removed.

We have compiled together the top tips to keep your desk clean, tidy and enhance your productivity at work.


Here are some tips to keep your desk clean, tidy and well-organised

Organise a Physical Inbox– You need one place for incoming papers or mails on your desk. A tray is always a good idea to start with to keep all the incoming documents well-organised and easy to find. Another tip is to utilise technology and create a shared digital portal so that all team members can get access and gradually cut down the paper work.

Have a Waste Bin Within Reach– Many companies encourage their employees to stand up and move around the office when they need to dispose the trash. It is a great idea to combine both office movement and keep the workplace clean and tidy. However, make sure that those bins are still within the reach so that the staff can put all the rubbish once or twice a day.

Minimize Incoming Paper– Stop that incoming paper flow, or at least put the flow to the minimum extend. Eliminate unnecessary subscriptions, reduce the number of paper reports and memos. If you don’t need something in hard copy, you can always use digital versions and encourage other people to do the same.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Clutter–Do you still need some of the office accessories that you had when you first started your job (about 3-4 years ago). Do some of the things laying on your desk still serve the right purpose for you till now? Unless they serve the purpose, get them off your work desk.

Schedule Regular Cleaning Time– If you have not cleaned your desk and the surrounding work space in a month, it could take you a few hours to clean it up. However, if you do it daily, it should only take a short time. By scheduling a certain time or cleaning as you go, you will always have a clean and tidy desk to work. Storing a spray bottle and a microfibre cloth, it will inspire you to clean a bit more often.

It is very trendy that all companies have professional cleaning company to come weekly or at the end of the day to clean the office. If you clear your desk, the cleaner will spray and professionally clean your desk to make it fresh and ready for you to work the next day/week.


Schedule Regular Office Cleaning

Never Put Trash Down – Whether the trash is small or big, don’t leave it on the desk. Walking to the waste bin is also a good office exercise. If there are many people in the office and it is not easy to navigate to the bin, you can arrange a small trash bin within the reach so that you can put it in straight away.

Take a Picture– If you need to take out any items to fix, simply take a photo of it instead of putting it on the work desk. The smart phone serves this function very well and it will save you from laying the items around, making the desk look untidy.

Clean It Before You Leave – One of the best things is to clean your desk at the end of the day. One big swipe at the end of the day will leave your desk clean and get it ready for the next day at work.


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