What is Breathe Better September?
Breathe Better September is a national campaign to raise awareness of respiratory conditions in New Zealand. The campaign encourages all Kiwis to show their support for better breathing and healthy lungs and to start thinking about how they can improve their respiratory health.
What is a respiratory condition? ​
Respiratory disease includes asthma, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer and obstructive sleep apnoea.How many people does it affect? Over 700,000 Kiwis have a respiratory condition, it’s the third leading cause of death and costs the country $6 billion each year. In New Zealand over 521,000 people take medication for asthma, making it the most common respiratory condition in the country.
Breathe Better September will take place from 1-30 September 2019. The campaign is run by​Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ.
About Clean Planet
We have eliminated toxic cleaning chemicals and have the know how to improve air quality in homes.
We’re the first and only cleaning company that the Asthma & Respiratory Foundation of New Zealand has approved as a Sensitive Choice partner.
Our own locally formulated and manufactured range of health focused, environmentally kinder products.
Chief Executive Letitia O’Dwyer and Regional Manager Eugene de Thierry spoke at event.