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About Sensitive Choice Programme in New Zealand and Australia

(first published on Sensitive Choice website)

Sensitive Choice is a community service program created by the National Asthma Council Australia for all of us who want to breathe purer, cleaner, fresher air and reduce asthma and allergic reactions.

The program is of particular value to the millions of Australians and New Zealanders with asthma and the one in three of us who have allergies.

While the Sensitive Choice program and the products we approve do not claim to offer cures or treatment for such conditions, we conscientiously strive to help cleanse and purify the personal environments in which we all live and breathe.

To help you identify asthma and allergy-aware products, community-conscious companies use the Sensitive Choice symbol on their packaging. You’ll find that reassuring blue butterfly on hundreds of products – from bedding to building products, from cleaning agents to carpets, from air purifiers and vacuum cleaners to the paint you put on your walls.

This is the way we live. We breathe in. We breathe out. Every day. Doesn’t it make sense to make every breath the best it can be? Make a Sensitive Choice.


How did Clean Planet join this programme?


Clean Planet is New Zealand’s only commercial and home cleaning company approved by Sensitive Choice NZ. Sensitive Choice has certified our products and our cleaning systems as helping to improve workspaces for people with asthma, allergies and respiratory illness – and creating better air quality for all.

Clean Planet works alongside with Sensitive Choice Programme in New Zealand to help raise awareness about this illness. Photo: General Manager of Clean Planet – Tony Pattison and Marketing/Partnership Advisor Hayley Sims at Auckland Home Show 2018.


In New Zealand, 1 in 9 people suffer from Respiratory Disease, 1 in 7 children suffer from Asthma (Asthma Foundation statistics). As a result, Clean Planet is committed to this Sensitive Choice Programme and helps create a better living environment at homes and offices in New Zealand.


Watch the interview of Tony Pattison and Hayley Sims – Auckland Home Show 2018

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